Previously Posted On Other Blog.
Have you ever been in a situation where it felt like you were putting all of your eggs in one basket? A situation, where to the outside world, seemed like you were taking a really big risk? A lot of times, when we choose to put our trust in God we have to step out in faith and do things that really don’t seem to make sense to some people.
A few weeks ago, we FINALLY found out that Phil has been accepted into Loyola University’s accelerated nursing program!!
We were so excited (lots of jumping up and down, and hugging included :D). There were quite a few people who didn’t realize that Phil hadn’t already been accepted into the program. After all, we had moved the whole way out to Illinois. But also, maybe some people didn’t realize that there is only one program within reasonable driving distance that had the program that Phil needed. Where we previously lived outside of Philadelphia, PA there were about 6 different accelerated programs that Phil could have easily gotten to.
However, after we knew we were pregnant, we spent a lot of time praying and felt that moving to Illinois for school was the best decision. Phil already has a bachelor’s degree, so doing an accelerated program made the most sense, both financially and the length of time it would take. That also means he won’t be able to work. Having family available to help with the baby and allow me to work was necessary for us. They also have a small apartment on their property that they said we could live in during our time there (HUGE BONUS).
Considering all of this, it really didn’t make sense NOT to move.
It still was a huge decision, We needed to make the commitment to move before we would find out if Phil was accepted into the program. And then with the Coronavirus and other complications, we ended up not finding out until a month AFTER making the move to Illinois. Sometimes God speaks to people through dreams, other people, the Bible, etc. But sometimes, faith requires a bigger leap.
In our case, we prayed and prayed and then made the jump trusting God would catch us.
I recently heard someone share that many times throughout their life, they weren’t always sure what God was telling them to do or the direction He wanted them to go at the time. It was only OUTSIDE of the situation, looking back that they could see God’s hand all along. And I know that when I look back on my life, that has often been the case. In the moment it can be extremely scary. Sometimes He has made something very clear in the moment, and other times I thought I knew but wasn’t actually sure until later.
When I am in those scary moments, I have to reminded myself that God has never failed me & that He has ALWAYS provided.
A lot of people don’t understand certain decisions that we have made. And that’s okay. Some people don’t even understand why Phil decided to go back to nursing school since He already had a degree. But when you feel like God is leading you a certain direction, it often won’t make sense from the outside. It might not even fully make sense to you. And sometimes it may be a situation where there is a pretty big risk involved.
In a situation like ours, there may be only one outcome that would probably make sense, but you might need to move forward before all the details are worked out. When you hear the saying “…..put all your eggs in one basket” it normally starts with Don’t. But when you are following God, sometimes that’s what we need to do. Sometimes we need to follow God’s nudging, know that He will be there to pull us through. Are you willing to take that next step of FAITH? Will you put your faith in the God who has always provided and trust that He will CONTINUE to provide?
When we do take that step, there is so much more space for God to work in and through us. We are so excited for what God will unfold in this next chapter of our lives.